What you'll need:
- 1/3 cup jelly beans
- Pleated sandwich bag
- 1 large yellow pom pom
- 3 yellow foam hearts
- 2 small wiggle eyes
- Scrap of orange felt or foam
- Chenille stem
- Small pom pom (color to match chenille stem)
- White craft glue
- Scissors
How to make it:
- Pour jelly beans into sandwich bag. Gather beans into one corner of the bag and twist chenille stem snugly around the bag.
- Trim the top of the bag, above the chenille stem, to about 1/2 inch. Fan out the top of the bag as if opening it to expose the center.
- Put a generous amount of white glue on the yellow pom pom and place on top of the bag.
- Put two yellow foam hearts next to each other on the table. These will be your chick’s feet. Glue bag on top of the feet so that the rounded ends of the hearts are poking out the front.
- Cut the third yellow foam heart on half, these two pieces will be your chick’s wings. Glue one to each side of the jelly bean bag.
- Glue wiggle eyes to the front of the pom pom head.
- Cut a small triangle from the orange felt or foam and glue on as the beak.
- Use the scissors to trim the ends of the chenille stem to about 2-3” each. Fold each side of the chenille stem in toward the center to look like a bow tie.
- Glue small pom pom to the center of the chenille bow tie.
- If you don’t have pleated sandwich bags you can use zipper bags, just cut the zipper top off before starting.
- You can make full yellow chicks by using all yellow jelly beans, however this may be cost prohibitive unless you buy your jelly beans from a store that sells individual colors in bulk.
- As an alternative you can glue the wings inward toward the front of the jelly bean bag and glue a small slip of paper with the message “Happy Easter” on it in front. Keep in mind that this will hide the jelly beans on your project.
Here is the poem that will be attached to each chick:
He rules over everything.
Black is our sin,
Things we do, think and say,
Which are not God's way.
Red is Christ's blood,
Poured out from the cross,
To pay for our sins.
White is your heart,
When you belong to Him
And new life you begin.
Pink is the joy
You know in your soul
When He makes you whole.
Blue is the way
You stand up and say,
Jesus washed my sins away!
Green is for growing
And loving and showing
Your faith, which is glowing.
These little beans
Tell what it means
To live for Jesus
And do as He pleases.
We are having some very sweet and special children along with their parents to our house for Easter dinner in a couple weeks and I can hardly wait! Here is just one of the treats I have come up with to make for their special baskets. I love attaching Gods word and message to every single Holiday treat. I will try and post some more of the special things we plan to do on Easter. Just wanted to get this idea out and share it with you all.
~ enjoy
These little fellas are way cute! I really like the poem that you're adding to them! Happy Easter!
Thanks for stopping by my blog...it was nice seeing you again. I am doing my best to get back to blogging. Since the move to Florida a couple of months ago, I haven't had much extra time.
That is so cute! What a wonderful little treat with such a great message. So cool!
I hope you are doing well my friend!
Thank you so much for the comment on my blog! I love meeting new people here. I stopped by your blog for a short moment and would love to read more. I am actually off to bed though... long day soooo tired! I love your EAster Jelly Bean Idea! I love the meaning behind it too! I can only thank God for the ability I have been given in photography. I wasn't looking for it... but it found me! :D Thanks to my 3 little hams that run around me all day long! Anyways thanks so much and hope to come by soon and read more on your blog
Wow, what an amazing way to give a child the salvation message.
that is just so cute...with such a great message :)
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