Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Let a man who is thirsty

be brought to an ocean of pure water, and he has enough…

God is a satisfying good — the soul cries out, ‘I have enough.’

God is the chief good.

That which is the chief good must ravish the soul with pleasure!

There must be in it rapturous delight and quintessence of joy!

God is the chief good.

Therefore the enjoyment of him

is the highest felicity.

~Thomas Watson~

Thankful for:

A Holy, Holy, Holy God


Organizing books

Spin of the washing machine

Smell of Downy in the dryer

Tick of the clock


Plates with his word on it

Godly people

A simple recipe

working in the kitchen

Flannel sheets warm out of the dryer

Tea Biscuits

Cleaning bathtubs

Long Silences on Sundays

memory of Dad’s laugh

Poetry on a windy warm evening

the squeezing hugs from my children

Praise music playing while sorting through laundry

A husband who is a faithful friend

Parents who chose a path of righteous living

Dirt on potatoes

Old brooms

a snoring Pug under my foot

And of course all of you


For He has satisfied the thirsty soul,

And the hungry soul He has filled with what is good.

Psalms 107:9

“And give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Ephesians 5:20)

Whats on your list...



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