Carl comes to town...Elliot surprised us all, he and Kelsey, drove up to B-Ham to pick up the Sister/daughter for the week end so that she to could visit with uncle Carl and the rest of the Fam-fam as well! Thank you and Kelsey are sweet hearts!
There has been so much going on this past month... so here I am catching up today! My brother came into town from Alaska a couple week ends ago and so here are the pictures I have been promising you Jackie...well some of them any ways! I did not have my camera at Starbucks the morning Carl came into town. My mom and dad had no idea Carl was coming for a week end visit so we set up a surprise coffee gathering with mom. I so wished I could of found my camera that morning! Ugh!
Carl was already at Starbucks sitting in a big comfy chair in the corner of the coffee shop reading the newspaper. In comes mom and the rest of us ( Brother John, Dave, Elliot and myself)...we order coffee, sit down at a table right next to Carl and start drinking our coffee and strat talking with mom. John asks if any of us had talked with Carl lately...Mom says "Why yes, I talked to him just last night." John says, "Well I guess he wanted to talk to all of us about something." So John calls Carl, who is sitting right next to us, ...hmmmm, John says kind of loud so that Carl can hear him,..."He must have his phone off!" So Carl grabs for his phone and starts talking to still doesn't clue in that Carl is talking right next to us and it doesn't even click that she is hearing both ends of the conversations!"
Finally Carl stands up next to mom and just starts talking...she screams, and we all laugh!

This Picture is a little out of order...this was right before Elliot was getting ready to take the Sis back up to B-Ham. He spends the night in her dorm with her then gets up early and heads to school the next morning, about a two hour trip...thank-you Lord for children who don't mind driving!

Jackie made Ali and I some very pretty and warm scarfs that we have been putting to good use in this cold blast we have been hit with! Thank you so much Jackie...even the Pug tried to sneak in some of the warmth.
Here is mom and Carl the second night in town. I made a Taco dinner the first night and spaghetti dinner Saturday evening for everyone.
Carl was teaching Elliot how to use his new watch that Nana and Papa gave to him as a B-day gift.
The Uncles thought it would be funny to give the kids goofy little kids watches in the box for their birthday gift from Nana and Papa. So they put a little kids spy watch in Elliots
box and a cartoon Dora watch in Alison's box. Elliot was trying to keep from busting up, thanking Nana and Papa while Alison about hit the floor laughing!
Carl and Dad talking about...hmmm,...welll hmmm,... I don't know..I took the picture and moved I think this is an iPod conversation.
A Nana and Ali Moment....I think Nana was getting ready to go.
Carl showing us his stuff on the wii Fit....
Alison showing Carl how wii fit is done in her dad's socks while eating a fudge ice cream bar!
Brothers John and Carl along with old time friend "must be dinner time" Ted!
Not sure, but I think Alison has been working out!
Me and My Family - Carl, Mom, John and dad.
The whole gang....
Happy Birthday Twins and Valentines day Week end...
Twins Birthday and Valentines week end...told ya I am catching up!
Week end at Birch this place~
Here is Kelsey, Elliot, Alison and the Pug on the beach at Birch Bay.
This little eating place allows here we are! Great sandwiches, hot drinks and lots of old fashioned candy...oh yeah a water dish and home made doggy treats!
Valentines morning...Love waffles, orange juice and lots of cards and love! I know, looks like we all just woke up - We did!!!!

I didn't bring our Valentines boxes to Birch Bay - They were just to big to pack. I found these adorable plastic containers with hearts on them at the dollar store and stuffed them with all their favorite treats, tied a bow around them and placed them at each of the kids spot at the table. I also bought everyone chocolates in heart shaped boxes and added my own touches on the out side of them. I added Valentine paper on the top them and then used a stencil and added each of the kids initials on the top of the candy boxes. They turned out really cute.
Here the kids are reading all the Birthday greetings to them Friday evening at the cabin from you guys and their friends on Facebook as well. Thank you for each of your sweet Birthday wishes!
A good idea gone not so good! I think if I'd of been at home these cup cakes would have had a better chance of turning out! As we got everything unloaded from the car Dave decided to take the kids out shopping for some food items. I decided to stay back at the cabin and bake these cup cakes and decorate them for the the gang this week end. You bake the cupcakes, let them cool and then slice off the tops. Using a heart shaped cookie cutter you cut out a heart, frost the tops and then put the cut out heart top back onto the cupcake. I then frosted the little heart cut outs as well. They were very yummy but didn't look as nice as the picture I was copying.
Dave and the kids brought back some yummy snacks and enough food to feed the Birch Bay community! They also brought me back a pretty rose and babies breath. 
Strawberries...Yum Yum!
These were...yes I said "were" so yummy! Thank-you know my sweet weakness for sure! These Strawberries are a blog all by themselves! 
Lunch with a friend I haven't seen in a long time....Thursday I picked up Mom and we headed over to sweet Becky's house for lunch and fun fellowship! 
The Bag Tag! This one is for Carrie!
I was tagged by Carrie to do this cute tag if you do read Carries blog you need to check it out.
Here are the rules for the tag:
1. Post a picture of whatever bag you are carrying as of late. No, you cannot go up to your closet and pull out that cute little purse you used back before you had kids. I want to know what you carried today or the last time you left the house. No cheating!
2. I want to know how much it costs =). And this is not to judge. It is for entertainment purposes only. So, spill it. And, if there is a story to go along with how you obtained it, I'd love to hear it.
3. Tag some friends. And link back to this post so people know what the heck you're showing everyone your bag. Yes this is my purse and yes it is the one I carry around now. This purse is the best purse I have ever, and I mean, ever had! I think I paid about $70.00 for it at TJ Maxx. It is long, shallow and it has a light inside of it! Yes, I said a light. It also has a special pocket inside of it for my phone so I know right where it is when I hear it ring! I do not do well with deep purses...I can't find anything in them. The fact that this one has a little flash light attatched to the inside of it is a huge plus as well. Everything is dark in there and it really helps me find things, especially at night time in the car.

So who ever you are Franco me you are a Purse genus and you get woman's purse needs! And from the bottom of my purse,.... I thank-you! I tag you! So if you decide to be a good sport and do this tag...please come back and let me know so I can see your cool bag as well!
A Fun Home-made gift swap....Before I left for Birch Bay this week end, a very fun treat showed up on my front porch. I joined a home-made gift swap and Jackie and I were matched up to exchange gifts with each other. She sent me two adorable Lancome over night cosmetic bags, some delicious chocolate, a sweet See's Candy gift card and this adorable Valentine swag that she had made. It is adorable and I still have it hanging up in the kitchen. Not sure I'll ever take it down! Thank you so much Jackie, I know you are away right now but had to post and share. Hugs and thank you so much..I love it!
I won my first Give-a-way! I just started reading a fun blog by Ginger called Primitives by the light of the moon. I entered her give-a-way and won! I sent her a note asking her if she was sure I won? After a long fun week end up at Birch Bay with the family I came home to surprise on my front porch from Ginger. It is an adorable little mug rug and a pillow that smells heavenly! I have it on my end table in my family room Ginger and will think of you often! Thank you so much for this sweet gift! I love it! So Swing on by her blogs and see her creative hand made gifts from the heart for sure! Just another fun place to hand out. =O)
So there you go,... Seven Blogs in One! Told ya so!
You have such a nice family...looks like you guys have a lot of fun..!!
I enjoyed reading all Seven of them...LOL
Great job catching us up Chris! And you know me - I LOVED all the pictures. Hugs, Jax
Wow! Seven blogs in one...amazing! I loved all of the pictures! Now...tell the truth...Did you clean out your purse before you took that picture??? :-) That is such a cool idea, I just may do that too (maybe thats why I cleaned mine out tonight)
Wow - what a great post! It looks like you have been having a great time with your family. Fun birthday celebration and Valentines Day. Those watches were cute. And your dog is so adorable!
Your purse is very stylish!
I finally had time to read the 7 blogs...mercy! I'm nearly out of breath from scrolling...
Let's see if I can do seven comments in one:
1. I love the way your brother surprised your parents!
2. Like you, I never have my camera when it really counts.
3. The watches for the twins made me laugh, and I'm storing that idea away for a friend I know!
4. I've never used a Wii, but I'm pretty sure if I did, I couldn't do it eating a fudgesicle.
5. Those cupcakes look YUMMY!
6. You make everything look so pretty! I need lessons, I think.
7. I think I've pretty much worn out the bag topic, so I'm not going to photograph and share, but that is a GREAT idea! And you have a great purse!
There! That's actually more than 7, but I had a lot to say! I somehow lost your blog when I was fiddling with the formats, and have missed reading it. So glad to be back!
Oh wow - you've been sooo busy! How fun that you got to surprise your mom like that & so glad you got to spend all the time with your family. :)
You all have a lot of fun together with a lot of love..what a blessing!
-sandy toe
your family is just beautiful. Looks like ya'll had lots of fun over the Valentine weekend and how great that all of the kids were with ya'll. That's what I love...having family around!!
Your family just looks so happy in every photo! What great memories.
And I thought the cupcakes looked wonderful. I think they use fake food in those magazines!
You have been one busy lady!! It was fun to read and see all the fun you have been having with your family and friends. Thanks for catching us up on all your happenings.
This was the HUGEST post ever! Where do I begin? Well, your family looks great. SO good to hear from you. Sorry about the cupcakes, I would still eat one. Love the surprise story. Yum, strawberries. I want Wii fit. The kids look like they had a blast. WHEW!
I know, really...everyone who made it through this post deserves prize!
I did it!!!!! YAY!!!
I really enjoyed seeing all the family together. You were all having such a good time together. Lots of fun memories too. I loved hearing about Carl surprising your mom in Starbucks!
Wow, that's one busy life. What a great fun family you have. I love that your brother surprised your mom. And the picture of your daughter playing wii and eating a fudge bar oh to be young again.
Thanks for sharing.
Prizes, did someone mention prizes?
love the pictures. Did I get shorter or are these kids getting taller..I know I was tall at one time. Ask Penni, she remembers..I was tall ..for our time anyway.. never mind what time.....
Hello - I found your blog via Connie's Turning 50 who was participating in the Bag Tag.
I really enjoyed viewing your family photos and your posts. You have a wonderful family.
If you have time stop by and see one of the blogs the bag tag has reached.
Whew! Now that I'm catching up, I see it. I'm glad you liked it, it looks perfect in your kitchen!
You are so darling! What a blast! You are such an amazing person!
I think perhaps I will leave all my lovely valentines decorations up for another month! Thanks for everything!
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