{Simple yet very sweet table center piece ~ One bowl, 1 bag of red hot candies, a candle, some ribbon and a Hershey bar covered in pretty Valentine paper resting on an unused mirror.}
So many times I have made things bigger in my mind than they really are. I sometimes wonder how many moments I have missed out on in my life because I get so wrapped up in or should I say obsessed over all the small details that really have nothing to do with the real reason for the moment we have all come together for in the first place.
Sure it's important to make everything special for the ones we are celebrating, but not to the point where we miss out on the enjoyment of the moment or completely over look the ones we are celebrating, in order to have everything perfect. After all, the person is the reason we are celebrating. I often find myself at war with the Martha and Mary inside of me.
I was at Target last night with Dave trying to find special things to put into the kids' Valentines boxes. Of course the wheels in my mind were spinning thinking of all the things I could just make for their boxes instead of buying them - meanwhile Dave is throwing things into the cart like a mad man, knowing I will be exhausted burning the mid night oil yet once again - up all night making all these things!
We got to talking about Alison aka the daughter and I was reminded of a Super Bowl party she had thrown here one year. Now if this had been me, I'd of spent a month just making lists, menus, invitations, not to mention cleaning the house inside and out, etc.
Alison wakes up one morning thinking this would be a fun day to have some friends over for a Super Bowl Party! Yeah! Made some calls to about 10 friends... invites them all over.... game starts at 3:30,....come on over about 3pm.... Done Deal!
She then asked Dave to take her to the grocery store and help pick out some snacks for the party. They came home with some cute plates, napkins and enough food to feed the entire Super bowl team.
They had a blast! No stress, no worries - just some good old fashioned snacks, dips, drinks and chips. Everyone she invited showed up - picked a team to cheer for and away they went.
Now that is what I call making your relationships a priority and finding simple ways to enjoy the people you love. I doubt the laundry was finished that day, there were probably even a few dirty dishes in the sink, I doubt the tubs were spotless nor were all the beds made up. Yet the party went on anyway and you know what? A good time was had by all, including myself.
I doubt that anyone gets to the end of their lives and wishes they'd had a cleaner home, worked more hours or made more money. My guess is that most people say that they wished they'd spent more time with their family and loved ones.
So for this week-end anyway, while this is fresh on my mind, I am dropping my mop and bucket and going to enjoy an unexpected out of town guest and have some fun with family and some dear friends!
I hope all of you enjoy those who are around you this week end as well.
~ enjoy
I think that is probably what most of us lack...the ablity to not worry how your house is when company is company over...I need to be more like Alison...just enjoy the simple things. Great post....Love your center piece...Looks so simple to do.
oh my.....I could just never throw a spur of the moment event. I worry too much about all of the details like you....things just have to be in place..haha!! great post..
You know what? I figured that out about 9 years ago. I had lost my Mom and was mourning her something dreadful. And it just hit me. Just like that. And I haven't been the same since. This is my home, not a showcase. When my guests come in and remark how comfortable it is, I'm happy. I'm not obsessed with the little things any more. There is too much going on to have to make time to obsess over the small stuff that NO ONE even notices! If they do - they are looking way too closely!
So YAY! You've discovered the secret!!! Life "happens" whether or not you mopped the floor that day, or left a washer AND dryer full of clothes. Hey - at least the clothes are clean! Run them on fluff for 10 mins in the morning - then fold them!
Be happy. Be positive. Be spontaneous!!! Be honest. Be true to yourself. Be all that Christ wants you to be. And relax! Everything else is just a cherry on top. Ever eaten a sundae without one?
Have a great weekend! Hugs. Karen
What a great post. I think I will try not to worry so much tomorrow when our guests come to visit. I will just push aside the items and close the bedroom doors.
Thanks for dropping by, please come back again. I am having a give away.
Irma :)
Unexpected guess? I wonder who that may be... Oh yeah, ME!
Uncle Carl from Alaska...I didn't know you were coming until after I wrote this blog sweet pea! Love you and I am so glad you are home for the week end! Funny how you ended up being another unexpected guest though.
Rambling Girl ~
It really is tough to let go sometimes, yet so rewarding when I do!
Nina ~
In all honesty, they really are the most fun! lol
Karen ~
I am sorry for the loss of your mom. You are so right, I think sometime I really do get caught up in perfection mode..it really ends up being about the home for me sometimes and not my guests. You are so right...so much can be done later on.
Irma~ I closed a few doors tonight and it really did feel good!
Hi sweet Christine!
What a reminder to keep "time" as priority over "to do"... it is so easy to get over complicated with get togethers with friends and family.. and forget that the real goal is to be together and enjoy the time. Thankyou to your sweet daughter and to you, for the reminder. Hugs.. Amy
What a great post & great reminder. :) And I love your little centerpiece - so cute!
Great post! Love your center piece
Speaking of Sweet and Simple....tell Dave I wish him a Happy Birthday....hahah....u know I love that guy. He's the only one that can keep Farkle Face in line.LOL
Great story about Carl surprising your Mom....I love it. I could picture it...she is such a dork.....funny stuff.
Chris, I haven't reached the just let it go mode quite yet. It has deff. been passed down to get the house totally cleaned up before company comes a calling. I have made a little progress so there is still hope.
SUCH a great reminder for me!! Oh yes!! This is way is SO much better than my usual way... Relationships and being together is MOST important...not perfection!! Thanks for sharing!! :D
love your valentines photo complitation! its very inspiring, makes me want to make something special for it!
I loved all the unexpected guest. I had a wonderful time. So did everyone else. You and Dave are wonderful hosts'.
What a wonderful centerpiece! I hope you had a nice weekend and enjoyed your company!
Thank you for the sweet comment on my blog! Your blog is oh, so sweet! Your family is beautiful, and your wisdom and love for the LOrd is encouraging! Thank you for your thoughts on spending more time with people! I am off to do just that!
I mailed your package today! YEAH!
I'm out of town, so I won't get mine until I get back... I can't wait to see it!
Here is your tracking number
0308 2040 0001 4390 0268
happy valentine's day, sweet friend :) HOpe you have a wonderful weekend!
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