Wednesday, June 14, 2017

A week, six friends and the sea...

I don't think I could be truly happy living too far from the sea. 
Once a year my six girlfriends and I drive to the ocean for an entire week of "Being Still and Knowing He is God" time together. Even our long drive there is full of sweet fellowship.

 Once we arrive at the beach house, we quickly unpack our belongings and then we have dinner together. The next day we have breakfast and when finished eating we each go our separate way and have our quiet time with the LORD.

 This whole week is our opportunity to be still and know that He is God with no interruptions, all electronics turned off. Just a pen, Bible, a journal and a walkman with praise music and Bible CDs to listen too. When we gather around the table for meals,  our conversations are vertical, with God as our main theme.  
We usually share what we did with the LORD and where he guided us in prayer, worship in song or our Bible devotion time with Him.
I listen, I learn and I grow from my sisters in the LORD.

 After our meals, we clean up our kitchen, and then each one of us takes off for more alone time with our Great I AM. 

 We sometimes have evening bonfires on the beach, God movies as we snuggle up on big couches with bowls full of popcorn ending with long evening walks on the beach as we enjoy the sunsets. I am truly thankful for these women in my life. To actually find friendships with other women who totally get and value the importance of being still and knowing God on a deeper level, to me, is priceless.

 I usually show up each year extremely tired and worn thin from the business of the world but after this Be Still time with God, I come home so refreshed. 

This picture is at the top of the bluff where we rent a house together off the Oregon coast. 

I am truly thankful to God for connecting me to these beautiful women that value time with the LORD. 

Psalm 46:10

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
    I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth.”